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Green Oak Academy – Girls’ School is operated under the guidance of a mixture of knowledgeable traditional Ulama (Scholars) and Academics who have a track record of offering high quality services to the community. Senior members include:
Mawlana Maseehullah Patel – Chair of the Governing Body
An experienced Imam and Aalim (Scholar) of 15+ Years in the South Birmingham area. The respected Mawlana Saheb initially studied at Darul Uloom Dewsbury Markaz, completing Hifz-ul Qur’an and the initial years of the Aalim course. Mawlana Saheb thereafter moved to the prestigious Jame’ah Riyadhul Uloom (Islamic Da’wah Academy) in Leicester where he completed the Aalim course.
At Green Oak Academy – Girls’ School, Mawlana Saheb serves as the Executive Head Teacher & Chair of Governors and oversees the Tarbiyyah and Islamic studies programme for students attending the school.
Mawlana Saheb also oversees the Islamic studies programmes conducted by Green Oak Academy outside of School time such as the evening Aalimiyyah Course, Aalim Course and Maktab Classes. Mawlana also serves as Senior lecturer of Tafseer (Qur’an commentary) and Hadeeth at Green Oak Academy.
Dr Razia Ghani (PhD, PGCE, BSc) – Head Teacher
Dr Ghani is the headteacher of Green Oak Academy. She has a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Birmingham. She is a highly qualified and experienced teacher who has worked in a variety of inner city schools and is accustomed to utilising various different teaching and learning strategies. She also has extensive experience with working in large corporations, including universities and pharmaceutical companies with experience in engineering, applied statistics and programming.
Dr Ghani uses improvement methods for herself and others in the school community. She enables all students to reach their potential and ensures they are equipped for the next stages of their lives once they leave the School. She has extensive experience in training staff at a whole school level, within a department and also those early in their teaching careers, including trainee teachers. Dr Ghani ensures that the processes used within the school take into account the well-being of both staff and students.
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